A. Background of Problem
is a branch of linguistics which study about how language is being used in
society. According to Kridalaksana (1978:94), Sociolinguistics is usually
defined as the study of characteristics and varieties of language in society.
It also supported by Holmes (2013:1) who states that Sociolinguistics refers to the study of the relationship between language
and society, and how language is used in different social
context. It can be concluded that Sociolinguistics is a study of language which
concern in how it is being used in society including its characteristics,
varieties, and social context.
Talking about Sociolinguistics, sociolinguists also have developed a number of ways of categorising
languages, according to their status and social functions. The distinction
between a vernacular language and as tandard language is a useful place to
It will be explained deeper in this paper.
B. Formulation of Problem
Based on the
background of the problem above, therefore
the writers formulatethefollowing
research questions which focus on:
1. What
is vernacular language?
2. What
are the characteristics of vernacular language?
3. What
is standard language?
4. What
are the characteristics of standard language?
C. Purpose
Related to the
problems formulated, objectives of this paper are:
1. To
identify the definition of vernacular language
2. To
identify the characteristics of vernacular language
3. To
identify the definition of standard language
To identify the characteristics of standard language |
A. Theories of Vernacular Language
In the theories
of Vernacular Language will
be discussed about the definition and the characteristics of vernacular
1. Vernacular
The term vernacular
is used in a number of ways. It generally refers to a
language which has not been
standardized and which does not have official
is common language spoken by average citizens of a particular place. Vernacular
is the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people of a country or region. In addition, the language use
spoken as one’s mother tongue; not learned or imposed as a second language.
Vernacular language use in speech or written works, using the mother tongue of
a country or region.Vernacular literature, vernacular describes everyday
language, including slang, that’s used by the people, the vernacular is
different from literary or official language; it’s way people really talk with
each other, like how families talk at home.
Vernacular is
different: think of it as how friends talk when no one is listening. Vernacular
language includes slang. One of the hardest things about writing for school is
getting away from the vernacular and learning to write in more formal ways that
don’t come as naturally. You can also say specific groups have a vernacular,
meaning the unique way people in a certain region or profession speak’.
another name used to refer to languages, especially to the ones regarded as the
local varieties”. It
generally refers to a language which has not been standardized and which does
not have official status. Vernaculars are usually the first languages learned
by people in multilingual communities; in addition, they are often used for a
relatively narrow range of informal function.
Example of vernacular language (javaness)
2. The
Characteristics of Vernacular language
As one of language
categories, vernacular language has its own characteristics. There are some
characteristics of it, as follows:
a. It
does not have official status.
There are hundreds of vernacular languages, such as Buang
in Papua New Guinea, Hindustani in India and Bumbarin Vanuatu, many of which
have never been written down or described. It means that usually
vernacular language does not have official status or have not been
b. Limited
used in certain area
As we know that
vernacular language is a native language of a specific population means it only
can be understood by the native speaker of the language and can be applied in
daily conversation rather than in formal situation as national language. For
example, in USA where English is dominant language, a language like Spanish can
be regarded as vernacular language.
c. It
is acquired at home as a first variety.
language is also a first language. It can be acquired at home since childhood
used to communicate at home with family members.
d. It
is used to communicate in everyday interaction
only being used to communicate at home with family members, vernacular language
is also usually used to communicate with friends.
e. It
is appropriate only in informal domains
Due to only used
in specific area, vernacular language can’t be used in formal situation like
conference or teaching learning process. It is better to use vernacular
language in specific occasions such as having talk with close friends.
B. Theories of Standard Language
In the theories
of Standard Language will be discussed about the definition and the
characteristics of standard language.
1. Standard
A standard language
is a variety of language that is used by governments, in the media, in schools
and for international communication. There are different standard varieties of
English in the world, such as North American English, Australian English and
Indian English. Although these standard varieties differ in terms of their
pronunciation, there are few differences in grammar between them. In contrast,
there are non-standard forms of a language that are used, for example, in
different regional dialects and these non-standard varieties are different from
each other.
This book is a
grammar of standard written and spoken British English. It has examples of
forms of English that are standard but that are more common in speaking than in
writing. The book also has some examples of language that are non-standard and
not acceptable or appropriate. All users of English make choices all the time
about what is most acceptable or appropriate in different contexts. Learners of
English should use standard forms of the language in most situations.
Only a minority of
the world’s languages are written, and an even smaller minority are
standardized in the sense of codified and accepted by the community as suitable
for formal functions. It will be useful to look at an example to illustrate
what the definition means in a particular context.
For examples, There is really no inherent reason why saying "I aint
got no money" is better than "I haven't got any money"; it's
only because we cling on to certain rules that we deem one to be standard and
the other to be non-standard - yet both are easily understood by the majority
of native English speakers.
2. The
Characteristics of Standard language
Standard language;
the variety of a language that is considered as a better one for its
phonological, lexical, and grammatical correctness. Those are the
characteristic of standard language:
One which is
written and has undergone some degree of regularisation or codification (e.g: in grammar, vocabulary,etc) and also recognized
There is a
rule to use the language as like when we wanted to talk in formal situation. When we talked in a conference, school or other formal activities.
Used for H
functions (court, literature, administration) alongside with a diversity of L (language) varieties.
Can be used in
many areas.
can easier to understandable the language.
Ex: When you hold a
conference between countries and languages.
Used is the language of internastional English is the same as if we follow the
conference that follows the entire city in Indonesia must be the standard
language used is Indonesian
A prestigious variety. Economic, social,
and political influences
If the vernacular language is used in everyday conversation
then the standard language is used in formal activities like conferences and
teaching learning process.
Indonesia language;
Ira : Permisi. Maaf saya menggangu waktu anda, bu. Dapatkah saya bertanya?
My Teacher : Iya. Silakan. Apa yang ingin anda tanyakan?
Ira : Begini bu, sehubungan dengan tugas yang anda berikan. Kapan batas pengumpulan tugasnya?
My Teacher : Batas pengumulannya sampai minggu depan.
Ira : Oh. Terima kasih ibu.
My Teacher : Sama-sama.
Reason: “Indonesia language is a standard language”.
Ira : Permisi. Maaf saya menggangu waktu anda, bu. Dapatkah saya bertanya?
My Teacher : Iya. Silakan. Apa yang ingin anda tanyakan?
Ira : Begini bu, sehubungan dengan tugas yang anda berikan. Kapan batas pengumpulan tugasnya?
My Teacher : Batas pengumulannya sampai minggu depan.
Ira : Oh. Terima kasih ibu.
My Teacher : Sama-sama.
Reason: “Indonesia language is a standard language”.
To sum up, this topic has focused on the
communication process and we have analysed some aspects involved in it. We
began by talking about study of the relationship between language and society,
and how language is used in different
social context. It can be concluded that Sociolinguistics is a study of
language which concern in how it is being used in society including its
characteristics, varieties, and social context.
Exactly, there are four kinds of language varieties such as; vernacular,
standard, lingua franca and pidgin, but, in this paper just talking about
vernacular language and standard language. We focused on the definition, characteristic
and also the relationship between language change.
1. For
the learner
Based on the
explanation above, the writers hope that the learners know and understand about
study of the relationship between language and society, and how language is
used in different
social context.
2. For
the teacher
By talking
about study of the relationship between language and society,
and how language is used in different
social context, the writers expect for educator or teacher to understand more about
the topic.
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